Project data Guinea Bissau Client EAGB Duration 2021- ongoing |
The ECOWAS-Regional Electricity Access Project (REAP), a part of a Series of Projects (SOP) being implemented within the ECOWAS region, with a long-term view to achieving electricity distribution expansion within the Region. Funded by the IDA/World Bank, the SOP aims to increase the number of people in West Africa with access to reliable and affordable electricity, as articulated in the ECOWAS White Paper of 2006 for Increasing Access to Energy Services to People of the Sub-region. The SOP consists of two Phases, which plan to provide 2.5 million people across six countries in West Africa, namely Guinea-Bissau, Niger, Mali, Senegal, Mauritanie and The Gambia with electricity. Phase I of the SOP is to provide access to 1.1 million people in Guinea-Bissau, Mali, and The Gambia. This distribution programme in Guinea-Bissau through the extension and reinforcement of the distribution networks from the sub-stations of the OMVG project targets among others the following localities: Bissau (Bissau region), Mensoa (OIO region), Bambadinca and Saltinho (Tombali region). This investment programme will consist of the extension of the OMVG substations to supply approximately 100,000 new customers in Guinea Bissau, the reinforcement and improvement of certain network points and substations in the centres to take into account the additional demand and improve the quality of service. Lot 2 (Design, Supply and Installation for Village Electrification in Guinea Bissau) of the ECOWAS REAP Project comprises the following sub-components
Mission:ASF Consulting has mobilized Mrs. Awatef Siala Fourati to held the position of Senior Environmental Expert within the Regional Coordination Unit of ECOWAS. The main activities conducted by Mrs. Awatef are:
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